Information competition 2019
The purpose of the Association is to create socially significant and strategically important projects for the society and the state. School mediation is one of the most important projects that the Association is engaged in, because it is in childhood, at school, that everyone begins to develop a worldview, character, views, and psychological health, i.e. it begins to shape the personality of an individual as an integral unit of society and the future of the Russian state. Therefore, it is important to create the most comfortable and safe conditions for children to grow up and develop a new personality that can cope with any conflicts.
In this regard, at the personal initiative of the President of the Association Lykova N.A, a unique project for Russia and Primorsky Krai was developed titled “The best school mediation service of Vladivostok – “Vladivostok, A City of Peace and Kindness”.
The aim of the competition is to develop school mediation in Vladivostok.
The objectives of the competition are to identify and stimulate the creative activity of school teams of School Mediation Services in solving the problems of creating a safe and comfortable environment on the territory of educational institutions of Vladivostok; promotion of media technologies in society; the emergence of a new non-conflict personality as an integral unit of society; teaching the mediation approach with the aim of the subsequent application of this knowledge and skills in resolving disputes, preventing conflicts among peers, as well as for disseminating the acquired knowledge, skills and experience among peers, junior and senior schoolchildren; and identification of talented, active, creative children and leaders; raising the social status of teachers and students working in the School Mediation Services, transition of schools towards new educational standards; increasing the motivational willingness of teachers, the development of their professional competence, and interaction with students and their parents.
Teams of School Mediation Services of municipal educational organizations of Vladivostok can take part in the competition.
There is no limitation to the number of participants.
Within the framework of the Competition, the Association created the “Crystal Lotus” Cup. To impart prestige and significance to the competition, the Cup was made by the “Russian Сrystal” company, who has designed awards for many of the most prestigious international and Russian competitions and tournaments (Diamond Owl – the prize of the club of experts on the first channel of Russia, the Russian Cup for Football, The FIDE World Candidates Tournament trophy of the international chess tournament, etc.). The cup is made of crystal with gilded designs and inscriptions ordered from Germany.
The founders and organizers of the Competition are the Association of Mediators and Intermediaries of the Asia-Pacific Region and the Department for working with Municipal Educational Institutions of the Vladivostok City Administration.
On February 15, 2019, a presentation of citywide competition was held in the Big hall of the Duma of Vladivostok, which was attended by the chairman of the Duma of Vladivostok, Andrey Petrovich Brik and deputies of the Duma of Vladivostok, deputies of the legislative assembly of Primorsky Krai (Ovsyannikova Galina Viktorovna and Novikov Dmitry Gennadievich), representatives of the “United Russia” party (Head of the Regional Public Reception of the Chairman of the United Russia Party D. A. Medvedev in Primorsky Krai, Olga Zabelina), representatives of the Department for working with Municipal Educational Institutions of the Administration of Vladivostok and the Administration of Vladivostok, teams of School Mediation Services of Vladivostok.

In 2019, together with the Office for working with Municipal Educational Institutions of the Administration of Vladivostok, it was decided that the winning school will receive main prize as per the results of the Competition which will be conducted by the “Negotiation Bench”, made at the special request of the Association.
All participants of the Competition will be given special badges of the participant of the Competition – the Crystal Lotus.
In 2019, the members of the jury of the competition were Andrey Petrovich Brik (Chairman of the Vladivostok Duma), Natalia Lykova (President of the Association of Mediators and Intermediaries of the Asia-Pacific Region), Yuri Borisovich Melnikov (Human Rights Ombudsman in Primorsky Krai), Olga Borisovna Zabelina (Head of the Regional public reception of the Chairman of the United Russia Party D. A. Medvedev in Primorsky Krai), Belkin Denis Stanislavovich (Head of the Department for the Protection of Citizens’ Rights and Organizational Legal Work of the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Human Rights of the Administration of Primorsky Krai), Volkov Andrey Vasilyevich (Director of the Municipal State Institution “Youth Resource Center”), Pavlova Nadezhda Gennadievna (Deputy Director of the Municipal Budgetary Organization “Psychological, Educational, Medical and Social Assistance Center of Vladivostok”), Zenkovich Svetlana Pavlovna (First Category Chief Specialist of the Department of Supplementary Education of the Office for working with Municipal Educational Institutions of the Administration of Vladivostok) , Gorodinets Anfisa Sergeevna (Vice-President for the Development of School Mediation of the Association of Mediators and Intermediaries of the Asia-Pacific Region).

Detailed information about the competition can be found in the Regulations, as well as from the organizers of the Competition.