Our mediators Natalia Gennadievna Prisekina, Natalia Andreevna Lykova and member of the Honorary Council of the Association, Yuriy Borisovich Melnikov took part in the 2nd Conference of Mediators of Asia-Pacific Region. Our mediator Natalia Andreevna Lykova was given the honorary right to be the initial speaker and open the conference with a report «Current Trends in Mediation in the Asia-Pacific Region» (next stage). Our mediator Natalia Gennadievna Prisekina was given the right to be the first speaker and open the 4th section of the conference with the report «Training of mediators in the APR (including legal education)». The conference was attended by mediators of the largest mediation organizations of the Asia-Pacific region, representatives of UNCITRAL, prosecutors, government officials, business representatives, lawyers, attorneys from South Korea, the People’s Republic of China, Japan, Russia, the United States of America, Singapore, Hong-Gong and other countries.

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - Фото-конференция-Сеул-2018-1024x768.jpg

Earlier in October 2017, our mediators Natalia Gennadievna Prisekina and Natalia Andreevna Lykova took part in the 1st Conference of Mediators of the Asia-Pacific Region. Prisekina Natalia Gennadievna spoke in the first section of the conference with a report «The practice and features of the development of mediation in the Far East region of Russia», which was written jointly with Lykova Natalyi Andreevna. It is thanks to our mediators that the mediators of the Russian Far East have the opportunity to gain practical experience in resolving disputes from our colleagues of the Asia-Pacific countries. Thanks to our mediators, mediators from the Khabarovsk Krai also took part in the conference.

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - Фото-конференции-Сеул-2017-1024x768.jpg
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